The State of High Volume and Hourly Hiring 2022
The State of High Volume and Hourly Hiring 2022
Research Report Co-sponsored with
High-volume hiring is one of the great HR challenges of 2022, requiring employers to bring on anywhere from a few dozen to tens of thousands of new employees at any one time, often for the same or similar jobs. This report focuses on these dynamic methods of agile recruiting during today’s post-pandemic challenges. We invite you to download and read the full report with 10 key takeaways from this annual research to learn how these outcomes and insights may apply to your organization.
Download this report to:
- Find out the top challenges of high-volume recruiting
- Learn the latest high-volume hiring trends
- Assess your organization’s high-volume hiring strategies
- See tools, technologies and metrics organizations use
Optimize recruiting strategies for high-volume hiring success
Hourly workers account for a whopping 73.3 million workers ages 16 or over in the United States. Employers have had to adapt to fluctuating and evolving work demands with more creative talent acquisition strategies like hiring of temporary or hourly earners (ie. seasonal hires, tipped labor and contingent workers) or recruiting in large numbers or “high-volume recruiting.” Find out how they’re doing it, and what strategies you can leverage for your own organization.
About the Survey
This study is primarily based on data from the HR Research Institute's "State of High-volume and Hourly Hiring 2022" survey, conducted from March to May 2022.
It focuses on 233 respondents from organizations with 1,000 or more employees using high-volume recruiting, who are talent acquisition professionals or HR professionals with considerable knowledge in this area. This report represents organizations within the U.S., though many have international footprints, across a wide range of industries.
This study also includes comparisons of organizations that are successful at high-volume recruiting vs ones that are not. For these comparisons, we use organizations with 500 or more employees to represent larger sample sets for each cohort.